BAC inspect

Ask for an inspection of your BAC equipment

Ask BAC for a full inspection report of your cooling equipment, and be informed on recommended actions to improve your system operation.
Our BAC specialist will go through the BAC inspect Application on his tablet to generate, on site, a full inspection report that you will receive in your mail inbox immediately after his visit. 


The importance of certification

Emmanuel Timothy, Senior Project Engineer and Rafael Van Eijcken, General Manager from BAC Middle East write on the actual savings that can be unlocked from opting for Eurovent or CTI certified cooling towers compared to cutting cost with undersized cooling towers.

Read the article to understand the importance of certification.

Banner Battery Gigafactory Summit

Join us at European Battery Gigafactory Summit in Berlin!

European Battery Gigafactory Summit, scheduled for June 4th-5th, 2024, in Berlin, Germany, stands as a pivotal gathering dedicated to the evolution of gigafactories, with a primary focus on their design, planning, and construction stages. These colossal, highly automated facilities are at the forefront of the manufacturing landscape, revolutionizing the production of batteries and renewable energy storage solutions. They represent a vital component in our ongoing transition toward a more sustainable and environmentally responsible future.

Engineering Data

Want to select your specific model?

BAC’s Product Selection Software contains performance and technical data for BAC’s evaporative cooling products.